After several times of struggling and considering about XXX and college, I found out that actually we received a lot of difficulty from others
Why I say so? well, because XXX is not a useful program for me, it gave us enjoyment inside but the result is nothing, obviously. The objective of XXX can't be seen. Life really can be easier, just because of humans always make it complicated. And now, they complicate me very very badly. I can fly like a bird, but sometimes I live in this world, everything is walking with rules and regulation. I don't sure that I can survive in this world, but I am very sure that actually I am having bitterness, a bitterness that can't make me grow but make me sad, a bitterness can't make me laugh after this but cry for this.
I hope to see miracle, although something solved, but another things will come after solving, humans have a lot of problems to solved is because of they themselves made the problems, so human made problems, human suffer for it. It is a cycle, just it is different character and different view.
Now that I know my family is concerning about my college life, my brother tried his best to register for me and get those information for me. My mother worried about how I go to college and also solve the problem with me. My brother pursues my father to pay. LOLX XD
But what use? XXX always is my big gap of studying and my future, I can enjoy in it, so what? I am good in my life now, why I need another entertainment. I can do my favorite stuff in this time, I am going to participate a Dancing Competition. But, because of you, I have to worry, and can't pay a single focus on it. Because of you...
Life is easy, why we have to complicate it? I don't know, because the world is evil? so we have to make rules?
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